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Unlock your Cosmic potential and embrace your destiny

Unlock your Cosmic potential and embrace your destiny

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Cosmic Consciousness Evolution

is Calling You To Free Yourself...

Cosmic Soul Alliance is a 5-day epic Cosmic codeshare container for next-level souls.

Break free of human conditioning and reset your signature frequency so you can experience fulfillment on every level.

Value $97

What is a cosmic soul?

Cosmic souls are a spectrum of multidimensional consciousness in human form but can be at different stages in the self-realization journey that don’t necessarily feel "advanced," gifted, or clear.


First, you have been magnetized here for your next level of expansion, no matter how you self-identify.

Cosmic souls have an energenetic signature that is designed to activate at key turning points in human development so they can receive their Cosmic inheritance and bring new levels of ALL THAT IS into this reality so as a human collective, we can realize our greatest cosmic potential together.


The unifying factor we all share is that no matter what stage of self-realization we're experiencing, we have the longing to let go of stale and limited human conditioning and feel safe and comfortable in our human body—being who we truly are and radiating our signature frequency.


Because you have a greater mission yearning in your heart and soul to be expressed at this time.

You have unique gifts that make you different for a reason, but you need to feel calm, safe, and comfortable in your physical human body to express them fully.

You may identify as highly sensitive, empathic, a channel, starseed, indigo, rainbow, angelic soul, interplanetary soul, otherworldly, multidimensional being, neurodivergent, crystalline, and spiritually gifted.

These spiritual labels and identifiers are just breadcrumbs leading you to discover more of yourself but do not fully explain why you have these characteristics and experiences and what their higher purpose is.

You are beyond labels and boxes and are rapidly expanding into your greater essence

You are going through spontaneous spiritual activations that often leave you feeling unsettled, and all the definitions you are finding online to find relief are only creating more confusion.


You are connected to non-physical energy that holds higher codes of cosmic consciousness that have not been fully integrated, and so you experience the contrast and disconnect more than others who are not on the fast track to expansion.

Not everyone has chosen this path to expansion in this particular cosmic way.

YOU have, and that's why you are here.

Cosmic Soul Alliance is what you've been waiting for to get anchored to your core, feel clear, and stop masking your signature frequency to fit in, which is only creating more energetic turbulence and chaos in your outer world reflections.

Value $97

Enter into a 5-day Cosmic container and realign with your Cosmic Signature frequency and energetic potential


You will be introduced to Niki's signature zero-point healing method in a guided audio format that will aid in collapsing and dissolving old grid systems you've outgrown.

Through daily guided transmutation-hypnosis meditations, Cosmic codeshares, and signature frequency resetting, you will dissolve stale and repetitive programs, step into the next dimension of your personal power, and activate your cosmic destiny blueprint.

You will realign with your signature Cosmic consciousness authority in a sacred container alongside Cosmic-souls who truly get you.

As a cosmic collective, we will support each other to step into our authentic essence and embrace our role as a bridge to a cosmically connected new reality.

Yes, the time has come.

Value $97

This Global Cosmic Soul Alliance Supports You  to :

Feel safe and secure while experiencing an epic guided transmutation transmission

Receive cosmic codeshares to prepare for next-level expansion

Own your difference as a cosmic-soul and stand out, NOT fit in


This is a cosmic call to action for Cosmic-Souls ready to let go of lifelong Human Conditioning and finally feel at home in their human bodies

You can feel like you're just beginning to understand who you truly are as a cosmic soul, but maybe you feel confused about what you're here to do, especially when "spiritual labels" don't really define you.

You can already be experiencing Cosmic energetic activations and downloads that come out of nowhere and are figuring things out, but you long for more support on navigating changes in your physical body and daily life.

Or you can already be well on your way to embodying your Cosmic potential but long to connect with an aligned cosmic community that supports you to embrace your role as a new reality creator and leader.


This is your invitation to receive guidance and embrace who you came here to be with soul recognition and support.

Value $97

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Cosmic-Soul Alliance includes:


Daily Cosmic CodeShares, & Cosmic-Soul Transmissions

Whether you are a healer, coach, or channel in the spiritual and personal evolution space, experience a cosmic collective codeshare that will help you create more self-definition and self-assurance so you can fulfill your Cosmic destiny and unique purpose.


Daily Guided Hypnosis Transmutations

Let the re-coding begin! Through a guided meditative experience, we will move into the master cell of consciousness, high heart, and Cosmic Soul blueprints to unify your unique signature essence so you can step into your Cosmic authority with a sense of calm and inner connectedness.


Cosmic-Soul Alliance Empowerment Sessions

Experience other Cosmic souls on the same journey as you share how they embraced challenges and strengthened their Cosmic consciousness connections. You will leave the sessions with a sense of higher purpose and renewed motivation.

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Daily Cosmic Self-Care and Integrative Exercises

These insightful Cosmic self-care action steps will help you integrate your energetic transformations and epiphanies gained from the calls. You will feel more clear and cosmically aligned than you ever have before. Experience the human body as a cosmic body and watch your potential soar!


Meet Your Global Cosmically Aligned Community 

To shift this reality from a limited, isolated, and disassociated state run by old patterns and programs you've outgrown takes the conviction of a Cosmic Soul Alliance. You are invited to step into your Cosmic leadership alongside other Cosmic souls and prepare for the next phases of your expansion.

Cosmic Soul Alliance Founder

Niki Manavi CFNC, FGP


Niki Manavi, CFNC, FGP, is a cosmic physician, educator, and guide. She is a cosmic bridge to the higher dimensions of humanity and founder of Higher-Self Development, Cosmic Soul Alliance, and the LoveLeadership Initiative.

Niki is a transmutation artist and higher-self development alchemist who assists next-level souls to step into their Cosmic potential and embrace their destiny so they can experience the expanded version of themselves—radiating health, well-being, and interconnectedness with Cosmic intelligence.

Niki's professional background includes proficiency in the fields of spiritual sciences, health, genomics, and scalar energy, and she has earned several certifications, including functional genomics, functional nutrition, Gene Keys, cognitive and emotional repatterning, nervous system trauma healing, hypnosis, “parts work,” transmutation meditation and has created her own signature zero-point healing method.

Niki's higher purpose and mission is to bring this state of embodied Cosmic Consciousness and supreme awareness into form and fulfillment.

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reclaiming your Cosmic inheritance

It's often portrayed in the new age and spiritual communities that spiritually gifted people on the path to accelerated awakening don't have real human problems.

So as your Cosmic Consciousness starts to come online more and more at a FASTER SPEED and you're running a higher frequency, it can be very polarizing because you believe that you shouldn't still be experiencing suffering.

This is not the case; in fact, the higher your frequency goes, the more responsibility you have to choose to transmute the old programs that are still running. They surface so they can be deprogrammed once and for all!

And the more you choose light over darkness, the more it perpetuates the polarity, problems, and programs. It's a matrix trick that will stop you from living the life of health, freedom, and joy that you are truly seeking.

That's Why I Created A Cosmic Soul Alliance

I have experienced first-hand that the key to reclaiming your Cosmic inheritance and being your unique expression of ALL THAT IS lies in neutralizing the light and dark perceptions of our human experience.

Not getting "high on light" or STUCK in the never-ending shadow work...

Once you truly transmute the polarity swing within your energetic body and dissolve outmoded beliefs around spiritual awakening, the gift that you are reveals itself to be more than you could have ever imagined...

You gain more power and more momentum to embrace your cosmic SELF in a healthy and sustained way.

And that's why I'm so excited about Cosmic Soul Alliance...

So, if you are ready to drop the baggage of old human conditioning, unlock your Cosmic potential…and change your approach to spiritual awakening, join Cosmic Soul Alliance.

Value $97

Enter into a 5-day Cosmic container and realign with your Cosmic Signature frequency and energetic potential


Saiedah Rose

Saiedah's soul mission as a Spiritual Ambassador, Humanitarian and Galactic Emissary is to serve as an anchor for those who are embarking on the journey of self-realization. She is a bridge between the seen and unseen worlds, embodying the vast, multidimensional wisdom of her soul.


Glenn Mate

Glenn is a multi-universal channel, guide, teacher, and transformational coach for those who step onto the journey of self-discovery. He is an ever expanding human being from an Emergency Services vocation to his multi-universal dimensionality.


Amanda June

Amanda June is THE MOUNTAIN. Founder and CEO turned Wealth Embodiment Coach to other leaders, she helps entrepreneurs and creatives scale their impact without burnout through Way of The Mountain Wealth Embodiment teachings.

PhotoOfJessie - JP Herman

Jessie Herman + Vagrein

Jessie Herman is a life coach, Pranic energy healer, artist, and the vessel for the non-physical entity group Vagrein. She has authored 2 books with Vagrein, and assisted numerous clients in achieving their dreams, particularly in navigating complex life challenges.

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