Exploring Gene Keys

With Emotional and Integrative Support

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The Gene Keys Programs I've Completed

Today, I wanted to share a little bit about what are Gene Keys and how to embark on a Gene Keys journey, and really what I want to do is put it in my own language from my own set of experiences because that's what I think is going to be the most helpful for you to be able to tune in and see how some of my experiences and insights around this topic could inspire your own path and your own curiosity to see what a Gene Keys journey might hold for you.

First, I want to start with what a Gene Key is; so obviously, in the title, you'll see that it's about genetics. It has something to do with DNA, and it has something to do with a key unlocking an expression of your DNA that is hidden, and that's a really cool thing to start off with. I want to talk a little bit about the number 64 and its significance in different arenas of awareness so that we can get a grip on what we are talking about here. So, in general, when we're talking about DNA, we're talking about coding. We're talking about algorithmic sequences and combinations of chemical expressions of consciousness that we have a lot of different names for. And this really reminds me of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's expression of consciousness, where he called it "the chemical." I love that expression because as you dive into DNA and as you dive into your own coding, whether it's through a Gene Keys journey, through getting a functional genomic report, or, hopefully, both of them, you'll start to see that the consciousness you are is expressing through a grid system - a grid of different expressions, combinations of frequency perceptions, and storylines that are creating our lived experience that we call life. And so I'm simplifying it a little bit by looking at the number coding of 64. So Gene Keys is based on the wisdom of the I Ching - the book of changes, and there are 64 archetypes. There are 64 codons in human DNA, so the genetic code includes 64 possible permutations or combinations of three-letter nucleotide sequences. I want to pay attention to the "three" here. In Gene Keys, you're also going to see that it's broken up into frequency sets that are laid out in three, so you have a shadow, a gift level, and a siddih which is the highest possible expression. When I say high, I want to be clear that I'm not speaking of hierarchy; I'm speaking of a frequency expression. In this realm of consciousness that we are expressing in - we have different experiences based on different frequency sets that we are emanating, such as the chemical expression of our hormones, DNA, and the algorithm of our DNA, which also expresses through frequency sets. I want to tie this into genetics and functional genomics, which also have a breakdown of three. For example, human genomic expression has fast clearing of chemical compounds, medium clearance of chemical compounds, and slow clearance of chemical compounds.

And so, in your DNA algorithmic sequence, you'll notice the number three layout when looking at your genetics report. In general, you will see these combinations of expressions that can be broken down and understood through our human lens by looking at threefold patterns. Again, in Gene Keys, you have a "gift" level of expression, which would be a functional expression even in genomic reports. For example, your gene functions have a threefold breakdown. You're going to see that if you have certain gene results in the middle category; it's going to be termed as the "functional version," so it's not going to be the higher version; it's not going to be the lower version; it's going to be right in the middle and play out as more of a "functional expression." This understanding of three different expressions of coding ties right into Gene Keys because the gift which is right in the middle is going to be the "functional version" of the archetypal code - a blend of the high frequency and the low frequency, so what you're doing in Gene Keys is essentially unlocking the functional expression of your spiritual blueprint (gene sequence) so that you can express your gifts in the world.

I had to bring up genetic coding because even though Gene Keys are not going to speak directly to what gene sequences you have biologically, they're going to speak to them through the storyline of your expression - through the archetype, which is the blueprint of a pattern in the unconscious - in the unseen world. So the value of knowing your Gene Keys profile is manifold; it's a clear lens to see a deeper storyline played out through your human experience with direct relation to the frequency you hold. So when you're holding the trauma patterns - the karmic overlay - you will have a lot of static, emotional turbulence, and confusion; hence, you will be playing out the lower frequency expression of your archetypes.

When someone is born into consciousness in this grid system - again, we're not talking about EVERY expression in the universe because every expression in the universe does not have this perceptual headset on. So what we're talking about is this collective reality that we are expressing in human life. I want to be very specific about that because there will be times when you may be connecting with your universality, interdimensionality, and multi-dimensionality. And you're going to see that some of that expression does not marry very well with this headset that you're wearing; that's going to be a nice learning curve for you, and I'll save elaborating on that for another audio.

So in human coding, our Gene Keys will show us the storyline encoded in our blood, our bone matrix, and our human expression lodged within the unconscious. And that unconscious is connected to the water element, which holds the unconscious material of all our collective experiences throughout the ancestry and throughout the human coding - from the beginning of the human coding creation. Hence, you hold every storyline of the 64 archetypes as they have been played out through your lineage - you have all that coding content within. Your job is to look at what is the imprint and the pathway you have embarked on experiencing as a soul - absorb those frequencies, transform them into a gift, and embody a higher frequency so that you can reclaim and recollect the highest expression of consciousness that is even beyond form and understand yourself as a universal being; that is what you're doing when you embark on a 64-grid path. So we're activating our multi-faceted potential through a genetic sequence spiritually, which is why I call the Gene Keys path "spiritual genetics." We're affecting human biological DNA when we address the expression of the 64 codons of the 64 possible permutations or combinations of that three-letter nucleotide sequence since they are holographically connected.

By looking at your Gene Keys, you will be able to unlock the behavioral pattern of that frequency set related to your archetypes. The behavior is most important because when we identify our behavior, we're able to have conscious control over shifting that behavior. And by shifting that Sequence of the behavior, you can express a higher frequency fractal of that archetype. So I hope this makes sense, and it's triggering some of your illuminations within that say, "Hey, I want to know what game I'm playing." Because what makes life hard is rejecting the game we're playing. When we're in this soul incarnation, we often don't like the game we're playing; we don't like the suffering and the coding. We want to get rid of it, and I can totally relate to that. But the wisdom understands that suffering is encoded for a reason. We want to experience the transformation and transfiguration of lower vibrational matter makeup into its highest frequency - embodied in material matter because even matter seeks its own source - and to feel through the senses the expression of that source.

We've been playing a game of separation for a long time, and I'm not talking about separation in terms of feeling disconnected from Source energy; I'm talking about the programmed separation of spirit, soul, and form. And how that expression of the separation of spirit/soul/form (another threefold pathway in this matrix) relates to the shadow, gift, and siddih of your Gene Keys, and the three-letter nucleotide sequence of the 64 codons of DNA - all holographic.

You can see now that all of this is a fractal - a whole pattern contained in small fragments. So our separation is a perception of those fragments that do not yet see the inherent connection of wholeness contained within. We cannot get rid of being connected no matter how much trauma, density, and identity we get lost in. It's only when we are stuck in a small perception of ourselves that we feel separated, and we're going to feel that separation at a low frequency - that is inevitable (and part of the game).

The suffering is encoded, and when you look at your Gene Keys, you're going to see where you're suffering is holding a gift for you. And when you choose to shift the behaviors that need to be upgraded and learn some alchemy to transform your perceptions - and therefore transform the frequency set of matter, reality as a whole will change. And this is the value that you can get from understanding what game you're playing. Embrace that you are playing in a 64-grid, and there are archetypes - blueprint levels of awareness lodged in the subconscious/unconscious that need to become fully conscious and expressed at the highest essence.

Even in five element theory, which I talk about a lot, and I hope that you'll dive fully into to support your evolution journey because it helps in navigating the 64-grid. When we're looking at the CPT toggle chart, it also displays three sets of categories for transformation. For example, the "block" is at the shadow level, the "gift/strength" is in the middle section, and the "biological systems" (representing higher frequency embodiment) are at the top of the chart. Again, you'll see the trinity in every reflection of this universe as it is experienced in this construct (I like to be clear that there are many other universal grids). Still, in this one, in particular, there is a three-fold pattern that we need to get a handle on, and it's directly connected to our biological expression and behavior and directly related to the frequency we're emanating.

So, I invite you to go into your Gene Keys journey with openness and take a chance if you haven't gone into Gene Keys. Or if you have, and you're stuck - because you're stuck in "story" and haven't looked at your biological DNA sequence, maybe you need to diversify a little bit to start seeing that bigger picture. Sometimes we need multiple systems to show us the same thing and different fractal expressions so that we can really appreciate what we're being shown, and I invite you to do that. And if you need some guidance and support, perhaps taking a deeper dive into your Activation Sequence (which we include in the Spiritual and Evolution Decoded offer) where we can go through your Activation Sequence and illuminate your five-element matrix as well so that you receive additional guidance that's a little bit more straightforward in terms of how your behavior and the frequencies that you hold are being expressed through the five elements, and how you can shift that emotional current because sometimes in our Activation Sequence we can get really stuck and blocked when we have emotional turmoil that is not being transcended.

When we have emotional blocks, that means we have a lack of flow. And if we have that lack of flow, it's going to stifle some of the breakthroughs you can unlock cellularly. When your emotions are blocked, and your five-element matrix is not flowing because of emotional stagnation due to traumas or physical blocks you have through health issues, this can affect your Gene Keys journey. You may feel like nothing's happening even though you feel open and committed - that's a hard place to be, and there are solutions that you can implement.

So what I want to invite you into right now is if you don't have your Gene Keys profile, make that first step - and if you need guidance and support to make that step, then consider looking into our offers when it comes to Gene Keys support because I find that to be helpful.

Wrap up:
All right, so that's it for this audio, and I hope this has inspired you to understand that when life gets really hard, we may unknowingly be rejecting that we're playing a game. The new age movement makes shifting reality seem very glamorous; we believe, "If I pray hard enough, manifest my desired outcome, or block all the negative and stay positive, I will be who I want to be." Unfortunately, these are spiritual half-truths.

The truth is that we are playing a game coded in a 64-grid system. The wisdom to unlock its potential and transcend "the game" is by realizing that YOU ARE playing that game, and overriding reality with positivity will not transcend the negativity. It's going to make it bigger, it's going to make the shadow really stand out, and it's going to make life harder. What's easier is to understand - "Hey, life has a design, and that design is based on the 64-grid. There are sixty-four archetypes connected to the 64 codons of my human DNA, and to unlock the higher frequency expression that I have, I better know how to play the game." All right, so I hope that this has inspired you.

The Gene Keys Programs I've Completed

Today, I wanted to share a little bit about what are Gene Keys and how to embark on a Gene Keys journey, and really what I want to do is put it in my own language from my own set of experiences because that's what I think is going to be the most helpful for you to be able to tune in and see how some of my experiences and insights around this topic could inspire your own path and your own curiosity to see what a Gene Keys journey might hold for you.

First, I want to start with what a Gene Key is; so obviously, in the title, you'll see that it's about genetics. It has something to do with DNA, and it has something to do with a key unlocking an expression of your DNA that is hidden, and that's a really cool thing to start off with. I want to talk a little bit about the number 64 and its significance in different arenas of awareness so that we can get a grip on what we are talking about here. So, in general, when we're talking about DNA, we're talking about coding. We're talking about algorithmic sequences and combinations of chemical expressions of consciousness that we have a lot of different names for. And this really reminds me of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's expression of consciousness, where he called it "the chemical." I love that expression because as you dive into DNA and as you dive into your own coding, whether it's through a Gene Keys journey, through getting a functional genomic report, or, hopefully, both of them, you'll start to see that the consciousness you are is expressing through a grid system - a grid of different expressions, combinations of frequency perceptions, and storylines that are creating our lived experience that we call life. And so I'm simplifying it a little bit by looking at the number coding of 64. So Gene Keys is based on the wisdom of the I Ching - the book of changes, and there are 64 archetypes. There are 64 codons in human DNA, so the genetic code includes 64 possible permutations or combinations of three-letter nucleotide sequences. I want to pay attention to the "three" here. In Gene Keys, you're also going to see that it's broken up into frequency sets that are laid out in three, so you have a shadow, a gift level, and a siddih which is the highest possible expression. When I say high, I want to be clear that I'm not speaking of hierarchy; I'm speaking of a frequency expression. In this realm of consciousness that we are expressing in - we have different experiences based on different frequency sets that we are emanating, such as the chemical expression of our hormones, DNA, and the algorithm of our DNA, which also expresses through frequency sets. I want to tie this into genetics and functional genomics, which also have a breakdown of three. For example, human genomic expression has fast clearing of chemical compounds, medium clearance of chemical compounds, and slow clearance of chemical compounds.

And so, in your DNA algorithmic sequence, you'll notice the number three layout when looking at your genetics report. In general, you will see these combinations of expressions that can be broken down and understood through our human lens by looking at threefold patterns. Again, in Gene Keys, you have a "gift" level of expression, which would be a functional expression even in genomic reports. For example, your gene functions have a threefold breakdown. You're going to see that if you have certain gene results in the middle category; it's going to be termed as the "functional version," so it's not going to be the higher version; it's not going to be the lower version; it's going to be right in the middle and play out as more of a "functional expression." This understanding of three different expressions of coding ties right into Gene Keys because the gift which is right in the middle is going to be the "functional version" of the archetypal code - a blend of the high frequency and the low frequency, so what you're doing in Gene Keys is essentially unlocking the functional expression of your spiritual blueprint (gene sequence) so that you can express your gifts in the world.

I had to bring up genetic coding because even though Gene Keys are not going to speak directly to what gene sequences you have biologically, they're going to speak to them through the storyline of your expression - through the archetype, which is the blueprint of a pattern in the unconscious - in the unseen world. So the value of knowing your Gene Keys profile is manifold; it's a clear lens to see a deeper storyline played out through your human experience with direct relation to the frequency you hold. So when you're holding the trauma patterns - the karmic overlay - you will have a lot of static, emotional turbulence, and confusion; hence, you will be playing out the lower frequency expression of your archetypes.

When someone is born into consciousness in this grid system - again, we're not talking about EVERY expression in the universe because every expression in the universe does not have this perceptual headset on. So what we're talking about is this collective reality that we are expressing in human life. I want to be very specific about that because there will be times when you may be connecting with your universality, interdimensionality, and multi-dimensionality. And you're going to see that some of that expression does not marry very well with this headset that you're wearing; that's going to be a nice learning curve for you, and I'll save elaborating on that for another audio.

So in human coding, our Gene Keys will show us the storyline encoded in our blood, our bone matrix, and our human expression lodged within the unconscious. And that unconscious is connected to the water element, which holds the unconscious material of all our collective experiences throughout the ancestry and throughout the human coding - from the beginning of the human coding creation. Hence, you hold every storyline of the 64 archetypes as they have been played out through your lineage - you have all that coding content within. Your job is to look at what is the imprint and the pathway you have embarked on experiencing as a soul - absorb those frequencies, transform them into a gift, and embody a higher frequency so that you can reclaim and recollect the highest expression of consciousness that is even beyond form and understand yourself as a universal being; that is what you're doing when you embark on a 64-grid path. So we're activating our multi-faceted potential through a genetic sequence spiritually, which is why I call the Gene Keys path "spiritual genetics." We're affecting human biological DNA when we address the expression of the 64 codons of the 64 possible permutations or combinations of that three-letter nucleotide sequence since they are holographically connected.

By looking at your Gene Keys, you will be able to unlock the behavioral pattern of that frequency set related to your archetypes. The behavior is most important because when we identify our behavior, we're able to have conscious control over shifting that behavior. And by shifting that Sequence of the behavior, you can express a higher frequency fractal of that archetype. So I hope this makes sense, and it's triggering some of your illuminations within that say, "Hey, I want to know what game I'm playing." Because what makes life hard is rejecting the game we're playing. When we're in this soul incarnation, we often don't like the game we're playing; we don't like the suffering and the coding. We want to get rid of it, and I can totally relate to that. But the wisdom understands that suffering is encoded for a reason. We want to experience the transformation and transfiguration of lower vibrational matter makeup into its highest frequency - embodied in material matter because even matter seeks its own source - and to feel through the senses the expression of that source.

We've been playing a game of separation for a long time, and I'm not talking about separation in terms of feeling disconnected from Source energy; I'm talking about the programmed separation of spirit, soul, and form. And how that expression of the separation of spirit/soul/form (another threefold pathway in this matrix) relates to the shadow, gift, and siddih of your Gene Keys, and the three-letter nucleotide sequence of the 64 codons of DNA - all holographic.

You can see now that all of this is a fractal - a whole pattern contained in small fragments. So our separation is a perception of those fragments that do not yet see the inherent connection of wholeness contained within. We cannot get rid of being connected no matter how much trauma, density, and identity we get lost in. It's only when we are stuck in a small perception of ourselves that we feel separated, and we're going to feel that separation at a low frequency - that is inevitable (and part of the game).

The suffering is encoded, and when you look at your Gene Keys, you're going to see where you're suffering is holding a gift for you. And when you choose to shift the behaviors that need to be upgraded and learn some alchemy to transform your perceptions - and therefore transform the frequency set of matter, reality as a whole will change. And this is the value that you can get from understanding what game you're playing. Embrace that you are playing in a 64-grid, and there are archetypes - blueprint levels of awareness lodged in the subconscious/unconscious that need to become fully conscious and expressed at the highest essence.

Even in five element theory, which I talk about a lot, and I hope that you'll dive fully into to support your evolution journey because it helps in navigating the 64-grid. When we're looking at the CPT toggle chart, it also displays three sets of categories for transformation. For example, the "block" is at the shadow level, the "gift/strength" is in the middle section, and the "biological systems" (representing higher frequency embodiment) are at the top of the chart. Again, you'll see the trinity in every reflection of this universe as it is experienced in this construct (I like to be clear that there are many other universal grids). Still, in this one, in particular, there is a three-fold pattern that we need to get a handle on, and it's directly connected to our biological expression and behavior and directly related to the frequency we're emanating.

So, I invite you to go into your Gene Keys journey with openness and take a chance if you haven't gone into Gene Keys. Or if you have, and you're stuck - because you're stuck in "story" and haven't looked at your biological DNA sequence, maybe you need to diversify a little bit to start seeing that bigger picture. Sometimes we need multiple systems to show us the same thing and different fractal expressions so that we can really appreciate what we're being shown, and I invite you to do that. And if you need some guidance and support, perhaps taking a deeper dive into your Activation Sequence (which we include in the Spiritual and Evolution Decoded offer) where we can go through your Activation Sequence and illuminate your five-element matrix as well so that you receive additional guidance that's a little bit more straightforward in terms of how your behavior and the frequencies that you hold are being expressed through the five elements, and how you can shift that emotional current because sometimes in our Activation Sequence we can get really stuck and blocked when we have emotional turmoil that is not being transcended.

When we have emotional blocks, that means we have a lack of flow. And if we have that lack of flow, it's going to stifle some of the breakthroughs you can unlock cellularly. When your emotions are blocked, and your five-element matrix is not flowing because of emotional stagnation due to traumas or physical blocks you have through health issues, this can affect your Gene Keys journey. You may feel like nothing's happening even though you feel open and committed - that's a hard place to be, and there are solutions that you can implement.

So what I want to invite you into right now is if you don't have your Gene Keys profile, make that first step - and if you need guidance and support to make that step, then consider looking into our offers when it comes to Gene Keys support because I find that to be helpful.

Wrap up:
All right, so that's it for this audio, and I hope this has inspired you to understand that when life gets really hard, we may unknowingly be rejecting that we're playing a game. The new age movement makes shifting reality seem very glamorous; we believe, "If I pray hard enough, manifest my desired outcome, or block all the negative and stay positive, I will be who I want to be." Unfortunately, these are spiritual half-truths.

The truth is that we are playing a game coded in a 64-grid system. The wisdom to unlock its potential and transcend "the game" is by realizing that YOU ARE playing that game, and overriding reality with positivity will not transcend the negativity. It's going to make it bigger, it's going to make the shadow really stand out, and it's going to make life harder. What's easier is to understand - "Hey, life has a design, and that design is based on the 64-grid. There are sixty-four archetypes connected to the 64 codons of my human DNA, and to unlock the higher frequency expression that I have, I better know how to play the game." All right, so I hope that this has inspired you.


A guided journey that decodes your spiritual, emotional, and archetypal matrix

INCLUDES: Three 60-minute sessions covering archetypal genetic decodes, spiritual activations, emotional mastery solutions, audio meditations, somatic/nervous system support, and the Gene Keys Activation Sequence ($150 value).

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